In the past nature was abundant in the Amazon, its population lived in harmony with the nature and used it to feed their demands. People in the forest have been multiplying rapidly and growing, but they are limited to a small territory and the nature around them is reduced, getting dirtier and screaming for help. To feed the demand for energy they use a diesel generator, non-renewable fuel burning equipment that emits high levels of noise and polluting gases. All this movement for energy supply also has financial impact because the little money that they have access is used in large part only to move this cycle, besides the great amount of wood that is being cut to light the night. The forest population has been asking for help, seeking a better life against this difficult scenario and certainly a little light from free renewable energy for these populations would be of great size, thus enabling a more prosperous, safe and joyful life in the forest for men, animals, rivers and trees!
"For the first time ever in their history, since January 2018 the tribe has electricity from a clean, durable and self-sustaining system. Thank you all who contributed to the ceremonies, gave donations at my / our lectures and supported in any other way! All volunteers and project helpers; we did it!"