Team WaldLing

Wilderness Education Specialist & Forestguide Janet Buths

  • Born in 1976, trained as a healingeducator, eildernesseducator and herbal specialist
  • Certified children yoga teacher and trainer at primary schools
  • Advice on forests and ecological connections, development awareness of nature and sensitization for the responsible handling of our natural wonders
  • Promoting nature and wilderness knowledge

For 15 years she lives and laughs amidst a friendly fields and forests of the Lüneburger Heide and works with people in nature. For many years, she practiced as a healingeducator in a curative pedagogical day care center with children who were easily or repeatedly disrupted.

To teach wilderness to children and adults and to enable experience of nature, realizing the joy and to accompany them into new worlds is her heart's drive. To make fire without any modern tools
, voice and track reading, forest sounds and moods, knowledge about wild herbs, medicinal plants and food plants as well as natural communication are her speciality. Social projects are a an important concern to her, worldwide and directly in front of the doorstep!

Wilderness guide Kreo Andre

  • study of land use and water management
  • permaculture design (practice oriented)
  • wild herb walks/tours in Berlin and the Uckermark
  • large repertoire of forest (ranger) knowledge (vegetable and animal  food, fire, accommodation)
  • working with natural materials (wood, clay, stone, leather etc.)
  • professional disjoint of game,  experience in skinning and tanning
  • self-sufficiency through horticulture and preservation of food (smoking, canning and, stockpiling/provision)

It is a long-cherished dream for me to bring nature closer to people and to be able to make a good living from it. Enthusiasm for nature, its value and the respectful use of natural resources, living in harmony with nature and simply being comfortable in the wild are its driving forces. He is particularly interested in experimental archeology, wild greens in all its forms, fishing and hunting methods as well as cycling and water walking. He likes to go barefoot from Easter to October.

Motivational Trainer and Coach Silvia Seidel

  • graduated Freie University Berlin with magister in anthropology, indian art history and comparative musicology
  • leading own research on transformation of worldviews
  • studytrips and privat travels to India (Bihar, Bengalen, Uttar pradesh), Indonesia (Bali, Java and Sumatra, Pulau Banyak, Pulau Mentawai) and Thailand
  • climbed up the holy mountain Gunung Agung on Bali, 3030 meter high barefoot
  • taking part in several native rituals and practics
  • working since 2009 as personal motivationstrainer, consultant and lecturor for NGO's, NPO's, government institutions, activist associations, in filmproduction and privat assistant for individual themes
  • developing new methods of stress- and burnoutprevention
  • since 2016 member of bfe - Bundesverband
  • Certified stress prevention seminar leader
  • Certified seminar leader - autogenous training
  • Consultation areas: ethnobotanics, ethnobiology, cognitive anthropology, cyberanthropology, worldview-diversity, native culture and religion, hindu and buddhist culture and religion as well as traditional shamanism and modern developments
  • Coaching areas: reflexion-coaching, life-coaching, work-life-balance, wellness-coaching, personal development and anxietymanagementstrategies, communication, argumentationstrategies and motivationtraining on different areas
  • Special support, briefings, consultation and speeches about Ayahuasca, Kambo, Rapé and further indigenous remedies and native healing traditions / alternative medicine

Musician and Scientist Ané

  • graduate physicist

He has worked in the team of Yawanawa project and is part of the European branch of the protector (supporters) of the Huni Kuin tradition, an indigenous people of the Amazon rainforest in the Brazilian state of Acre. A special highlight was the organization of the first Huni Kuin - ceremony in Germany in 2012 and the welcome of Pajé (traditional shamans) Txana Bane Bane. In recognition of his efforts he was awarded in 2015 by the Huni Kuin the Indian name Nixiwaka. Ane speaks at conferences on the theme of Amerindian cultures. He has participated in numerous indigenous ceremonies in Brazil and Germany an intensively studied the traditional collections of holy songs of the indigenous.

Ané is supporter of the first Huni Kuin - ceremony in German 2012. Together with Ricordii da Silva they welcoming the traditional Shaman Pajé Txana Bane Bane from Brasil. Further Informations on Huni Kuin at kaxinawa.comWikipedia and one interview in tattva, one article in Survival and wiki-articel about Yawanawa.

Some impressions from our Camp 2012 - Märkische Schweiz